Our every thought affects our vibration. Our vibration is the only thing that affects the outcome. By choosing our thoughts we determine our vibration.
Here is a quick and simple exercise to raise our vibration.
If you notice you are feeling fear, worry, doubt, frustration, anger or anything you might consider negative, this exercise can help you shift to a better feeling place.
From a better feeling place we will be a frequency match to better feeling experiences!
This is how you create your own reality.
Place one hand on your heart and the other on top of it
Consciously connect with all parts of yourself: body, mind, heart and soul
take some long slow deep inhales and exhales to calm your body and still your mind
breathe in love, breathe out fear
breathe in hope, breathe out worry
breathe in faith, breathe out doubt
breathe in health, breathe out sickness
breathe in strength, breathe out weakness
breathe in unity, breathe out division
breathe in heaven, breathe out suffering
breathe in peace, breathe out pain
breathe in clarity, breathe out confusion
breathe in alignment with source energy
Breathe in anything you want, breath out everything you want to let go of.
Keep going until you feel at peace. Repeat as many times as needed throughout the day.
One who is connected to the light is more powerful than millions who are not.
When you connect to LOVE you are powerful, you not only impact your own well-being, but that of the collective.
You feeling your best is also what is best for the world!
Raise your vibration and shine bright, you will inspire others to do the same.