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Writer's pictureevageliatheodwrou

Self-Care ways to cope with stress

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

During these unprecedented times we live in, many are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming and cause string emotions. We are experiencing feelings of fear, sadness, anxiety, worry, luck of sleep, physical reactions such as headaches, and body pains and many other mental and physical health implications.

When most things feel uncertain or out of our control, its important to make a conscious shift to focus on the actions that are in our control. It is time to put ourself at the very top of our priority list. Finding ways to prioritise our mental and physical health is paramount essentially in times of stress. For me, I have to make it part of my daily to-do list.

Below I share some of the things I do to look after my physical and emotional wellbeing.

Eat nourishing food

Healthy eating equals self-love and self-care. I believe our body is a wonderful gift that we should take care of and nutrition for me is the foundation for optimum health. I try to choose my food wisely, I choose nutrient-dense, balanced, fresh, gorgeous, whole, colourful, vibrant foods, that supercharge my energetic frequency. When you follow such a diet you feel alive, awake, in tune with the universe, and people around you notice your glow.

Tip: Try to avoid process, refine foods, and focus more on a healthful, whole, fresh fruits and vegetables as the majority of your diet. Eat slowly, consciously and enjoy every bite.

Stay Hydrated

I love starting off my day with a large glass of lemon/ginger water. I then make myself a fresh celery or cucumber juice both extremely hydrated and cleansing. Throughout my day I also enjoy a couple of herbal tea cups, some of my favourite are lemon balm, nettle, peppermint and liquorice. I also enjoy adding citrus fruits, mint leaves or cucumber slices into my filtered water for a refreshed flavour boost.

Get some fresh air

Spending time in nature has many serious wellness benefits. There are many studies proving that spending time in nature leads to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improving our mood, lower blood pressure and a lower pulse rate. For me, whether is a walk in the park, or a barefoot walk in the beach, getting lost watching the sunset or the sun rising, or just watering my plants in the garden are some of my ways of getting fresh air and connect with nature every day.


It’s pretty well known that exercise is really good for both our physical and mental health. Being active is one of the best self-care practices you can do for yourself. Personally I love incorporating a yoga or a stretching session in my daily life. Sometimes I enjoy bouncing on my trampoline, or dance to the music. There are days I feel like riding my bike along the beach and there are other I just take a gentle walk. There are so many options to be active choose something you enjoy, and if you are not an outdoor activity person, there are also so many options to be active at home thanks to YouTube and apps.

Be creative

Whether is gardening, painting, sewing or cooking be creative, it helps clearing your mind from thoughts and helping you being present in the moment. For me, I love spending time creating my own skin-care products with natural ingredients like essential oils. Making my own serums, body oils, scrubs and face masks makes me feel happy. I believe everything we apply onto our skin is equally important as of what we put into our bodies when we eat. Taking care of my body internally and externally makes me happy and grateful. You can choose what makes you happy and practice that!


Meditation and mindfulness has lots of well-documented health benefits, including reducing anxiety and depression, lowering blood pressure and increased quality of life. Practicing meditation for the last few years myself, it help me be in the present moment, be mindful and manage my anxiety and stress levels. If you find the idea of meditating a little intimidating, simply breathing deeply can have a similarly positive impact, oxygenating your body, reducing your heart rate and blood pressure, relieving stress and even boosting productivity.

Self-care is all about the everyday habits that help you take care of and nurture your health and well-being. The more self-care you practice the more self-awareness you create, which equals more self-love, which will ripple out onto the people you interact with every day in the form of compassion, gratitude, and deeper kindness.

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