Stress is the enemy of sleep, because our sympathetic 'fight or flight' system overrides our parasympathetic 'rest and digest' drive. Perceived problems or threats will trigger production of the stress hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol, which in turn heart and respiratory rate, hormone secretion and circulation. This high gear is quite contrary to the calm needed in order to sleep. Chronic stress also causes a depleted, depressed, inflamed and immune-suppressed state that is connected with adrenal fatique.
Other stress stealers include blue light emitted from electronic devices before bed, caffeine, recreational and prescription drugs, EMFs, energy drinks, hormonal imbalances, an irregular routine, lack of exercise or sunlight, chronic pain, eating too late at night, prolonged daytime siestas, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, an uncomfortable bed and disturbing light or noise.
Support for sound sleep through stressful times is vital to survive. What helps you stay calm? What makes you feel worse? Commit to cultivating the helpers and cutting the harmers.
Here are my favourite sleep saviours:
California polly dreaming: Native Americans used this non-addictive alternative to the opium poppy to induce sleep, calm nerves and ease pain. It helps to calm children with ADD and also eases withdrawal from addictive substances.
Adaptogenic ashwagandha: Ayurvedic doctor Rama Prasad says " exhaustion and anxiety are alleviated by ashwagandha. By moderating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis it reduces cortisol, improves sleep and increases energy." Ashwagandha's withanolides are anti-inflammatory and restorative.
Lemon balm bliss: This citrusy-smelling leaf calms the central and entetic nervous systems, reduces nerve pain related to headaches, herpes, toothache and sciatica, and also settles anxious tummy symptoms, such us nausea and diarrhoea. Lemon balm is a safe sedative for children and breastfeeding women.
Lulling lavender: This pretty purple plant extract contains linalool, an essential oil which eases anxiety and restlessness and induces relaxation by activating GABA receptors. Add to a diffuser, spritzer or body products.
Magic magnesium: Magnesium is needed to produce melatonin for sound sleep; it also activates the peaceful parasympathetic nervous system and increases GABA.
Relaxing rhodiola: An all-rounder, this reduces stress, encourages relaxation, eases anxienty and fights fatigue. Studies show it supports cognitive function and improves stamina during periods of study.
Valuable valerian: Taking mother nature's valium an hour before bed can induce a long, satisfying sleep. The valerenic acid and valerenol in valerian root extract are both anti-anxiety agents. Valerian root improved the sleep of 89 per cent of people in a double-blind study conducted by the Foellinge Health Center in Sweden.